life gives me butterflies

life gives me butterflies

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I hope you had a good weekend! I sure did : ) My weekend started early on Friday...

Remember when I said that I got tickets to see John Mayer in Madison Square Garden for the Sultan and I? Here are some pictures of our trip take a look...

I hope you like them! John Mayer was amazing, the concert was sold out!
Well mi amores I hope you have a good rest of the week!



  1. Glad to hear you and your guy had fun in NY! I need to go to more concerts; I forgot how much fun they are!

  2. Glad you had fun! But ohh lord, don't get me started on John Mayer. Was that the concert he gave his, "I'm glad you guys don't think I'm an asshole" speech?

  3. Yeah I don't like him as a person either but I do have to give it to him, the boys got talent! And no Ellen he actually did not talk to much this time- I think someone finally told him to shutup and just sing hahaha
