life gives me butterflies

life gives me butterflies

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I hope you had a good weekend! I sure did : ) My weekend started early on Friday...

Remember when I said that I got tickets to see John Mayer in Madison Square Garden for the Sultan and I? Here are some pictures of our trip take a look...

I hope you like them! John Mayer was amazing, the concert was sold out!
Well mi amores I hope you have a good rest of the week!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Hour!!

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!I just gotta say I'm one happy gal tonight- oh and this snow ain't got nothing on me! ( I hope) So, the reason why I'm in such in a good mood is because I just got back from happy hour with my girlfriend Connie- she is the best I love that chick. And.....I don't have to work tomorrow because I requested off to go to the best city in the world, can you guess where???................

New York City!

The Sultan and I have tickets to go see John Mayer in Madison Square Garden! I'm so pumped! Shh don't tell the Sultan I told you this, but he actually has a huge man crush on John Mayer!
So we have plans to take Bieber Tourways in the afternoon and walk around the city before the concert starts. Tonight I'm staying up late, which I never get to do on the weekdays since I have to be up so early!
And don't worry I will post pictures of our trip and the concert :)

Oh and Mr. Snow: try and stop us!!

ok, ok! Remind me to blog later but first I'm gonna go have myself a drink, eat some 25 cents wings, and Kareokee my spanish butt off!! But no worries my darling- I BE BACK!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lovers & Friends

Hola mundo!

Lately I've had the need to vent about this- friends who fall of the face of the earth once they have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

Ok I had a friend, had because I feel like I really can't consider her a friend anymore- I'm going to call her Shorty. I have known Shorty since my senior year of high school and we always got along great, then last year Shorty started dating Mr. Gold Digger (seriously it describes him perfectly) anyways out of No Where Mr. Gold Digger breaks up with her. The Nerve! I was there to console Shorty whenever she needed to vent or cry about him. We were constantly together and she started to tell me all the things she hated about him, like how he never let her go out with her friends, a big no-no in my book! And how he was constantly asking her for money because he did not have a job. Hence- Mr. Gold Digger.
Fast forward to two months and they were back together. And that's when Shorty disappeared. I never see her, never talk to her like we used to, when my other friends and I ask her to hang out she has ALL this homework to do. B.S on a Saturday night? Doing Homework on a Friday or Saturday night when your in college is unheard of! I'm not stupid, Shorty spends all her time with Mr. Gold Digger. He controls her to the T and she would rather by with excuse my french,that douche bag then alone! It makes me sad because I miss her but it also makes me angry because he doesn't deserve someone like her.
Phew! I feel so much better now. So, I've pretty much have given up on my friendship with Shorty.

And Mr. Gold Digger if your reading this, I think you should know: Your a poor excuse for a man!! :)


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Join me for some Chai Tea Latte?


Currently I've been listening to a new artist- Angel Taylor. Have you heard of her? She is an amazing singer and songwriter. She has such a pure and gentle voice and her songs seem so honest and real. This is my favorite song from her new album called Love Travels. Take a listen...
Chai Tea Latte

Do you love it as much as me? I'm looking forward to seeing her in concert in March when she comes to my hometown :) What new artist have you been listening to lately? Let me know I'm always looking to update my Ipod!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Famous one day??


So its been awhile since I've post. Perdon! Alot has happened this week! I was cast for a lead role for a play that my local community theater is going to put on! It's called The Secret Life of Girls (it's kinda like the theatrical version of Mean Girls.) Yippee! I'm so excited! I've acted a bunch of times before but I have never held a lead role before, so I'm also very nervous. I've been spending most of my free time trying to memorizing my lines.

I'm playing the part of Stephanie aka "Queen B" I was never popular in High School and I don't consider myself a mean person so this role is out of my character. Still, it's a challenge I cant wait to take on!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Snowy Day

Hi my Darlings,

So today is a great day! Por que? Its a snow day! Which means I did not have to crawl out of bad and deal with annoying needy customers today! I woke up this morning and the ground was covered in snow! Thank you snow gods! The Sultan and I are snowed in and its great (Oh yeah he's in a much better mood today) we had some nice morning sex hehe and its funny- why is it that AM sex is sooo much better than PM sex? Or is it just me? I mean, don't get me wrong, sex is good no matter the time but we seem to like it better in the morning ;-)

Ok so back to the snow- it looks like a winter wonderland out there and I can not see my car anymore its going to be a pain getting it out but oh well its the price you pay I guess.

If you got hit by the storm I hope you can cuddle up with someone you love, drink some hot chocolate and just enjoy a lazy day.


Here's The Sultan and I with "La Quisha" our half spanish/half white snow girl. Like?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


What is it with some people? Why is that people shut themselves out, and what do you when someone close to you has shut themselves out from you? Do you shake them profusly until they finally speak? Or do you just wait it out? The Sultan seems to be very upset and I CANT FIGURED OUT WHY! Its so annoying because I feel like I DID SOMETHING. :(

I don't know- I love him so much and I wish I could understand him better...

Monday, February 8, 2010


I'm really excited to finally being doing something I have always wanted to do- write! And what better way to do that then with a blog. My blog is gonna be about my ramblings, thoughts, and just the life of a 20 something gal living in Reading, Pa (ever heard of it?) I'd be surprised if you did. So just sit back and enjoy- because in my life you never whats gonna happen next or what I'm gonna say.

To kickoff of my new blog here are some random facts about me:

I was born in Honduras- Its a country about the size of Taxes in Central America, my parents brought me here when I was about 4 years old to chase the "American Dream" whatever that is.

I work for a gas company
- BORING. Seriously I have more fun watching paint chip. Ok, maybe that's a little harsh but I work in Customer Service. enough said.

I just turned 21 on Saturday
- I had a countdown going for MONTHS and now that im finally 21 Im getting worried about how much this is actually gonna cost me if you know what I mean. ;-)

I Love SEX. Seriously most females my age would never admit that but its true. I have an amazing sex life with my boyfriend. I think I'll call him The Sultan. More on him and and the sex later tho...

I was actually scared to start writing this blog
- I thought about doing this for a long time but I never had the guts too, I mean its a big world out there and Im pretty tiny 5"1 1/2 to be exact. What could I bring to this blog world?

I have ALOT to say- I love to talk. Just ask my friends, I'm like a parrot, I could go on for hours. I'm studying Communications in college for crying out loud. Its what I do best and one day I hope to get paid for it. That's why I'm so excited to start blogging.

So here I am bloggers and readers! Get ready! Because everyone deserves to have at least one spicy, fiesty Latina in their life.
