life gives me butterflies

life gives me butterflies

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I know The Secret!!!

....and I want to share it with you.

This is amazing, and it will change your life.

The other day at school ( for those of you don't know I'm studying Esthetics at The Vision Academy, its a school of Paul Mitchell.) We watched a movie called The Secret, which is based on the book above. Pretty much what the book and movie are about is telling us "The Secret". Want to know what the secret is? Well it's simple.

The Secret is The Law of Attraction.

Huh? Well, what that means is like attracts like. And that every thought we have is attracted to what happens to us or actions. It's all about the way we think, if we think postive thoughts and really believe them then those positive thoughts will become actions thus entering our lives.
Here is a video explaining it a bit more..

Now I understand you should take this with a grain of salt. You can do all of the positive thinking but things are not gonna change over night, you also need to work to achieve the life you envision.
Though it is something to think about and I'm gonna make a decision to think positive and get rid of my bad negative thoughts and see what happens.

If you ever heard of The Secret and if you have, have you applied the principle to your life? What do you think of all this? Tell me please, am I crazy to believe it?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My 22nd birthday Weekend!

Hey Hey dolls!

This past weekend was ALOT of fun, it was not only my birthday weekend and I don't know if it's just me but I'm really into birthdays. It was also the Superbowl, which I'm not that into football but when you have a boyfriend and that's his favorite sport you have no choice but to get into it as well.

Saturday night I rented a private balcony at this new club in town called Rumorz. My friends and I were VIP, it was pretty sweet! We had our own security, leather sofas and a private bar with bartender. I had never celebrated my birthday so fancy schmancy like that before.

All dressed to go out and celebrate, well I was. And see the jersey? Football fanatic.

I got roses, from B of course ;)

My girls enjoying being VIP!

haha I love this picture of my friend Jenn and I.

With my co-worker Janet, it was her first time at a club! Don't you just love virgins? ;)

I loved my (icecream) cake! I think my mom forgot how old I was turning so it says "twenty whatt??"

The only downfall to the weekend was that the Steelers didn't win the Superbowl but oh well, there always next year!

I think 22 is gonna be a good age, I can feel it in my bones. Let's hope I'm right. I have waited a long time to accomplish the things I want to but I'm finally working on that and I plan on taking my life by the horns now! Because the last thing I want is to be on my death bed and thinking "damn, I should of had..."


P.S: follow me! You know you want to...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Remember me?

Hola! So it has been a LONNNNNNNGGGGG time since I have updated my blog! I know, I know I'm an awful person and I shouldnt call myself a blogger! So lets to a recap, shall we? Here's what you missed...

1. I'm no longer working for Corporate America and I hope I never do! Working Monday- Friday 9 to 5 is just not for me. I'd rather have a more flexible schedule and not have to worry about gaining 10 pound each month because of my ass constantly on a chair.

2. I'm still with The Sultan ;) haha actually I think I'm just gonna call him B. We recently celebrated our 2 year anniversary, no he hasn't popped the question....yet?

3. I dropped out college *GASP* I realized it just wasn't for me. Especially in this economy I think it's a waste of money but many would disagree with me (including my parents)

4. I moved back in with my parents. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" It was bittersweet, I'm saving a lot of money but it's still my parents house *sigh* Hopefully by the end of the year I will be back to living on my own ^__^

4. No worries tho I'm still gonna educate myself! I plan on getting my Esthetics Lincense this year so I can learn to become a professional makeup artist and skin care specialist! Yay me!

5. I'm turning 22 in 3 days! Enough said.

6. My family and I are planning a trip to the beautiful country of Honduras this summer. I.Can't.Wait (And to show you my followers how much I love you, I will be blogging from there as much as I can!)

7. I will not just be writing about whats going on in my life but I will also be doing a lot of beauty product reviews, makeup tutorials and answering any questions that you may have!
"Well, hello there"